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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1993;22(11): 1220-1227.
Surgical Approaches for Tumors Around Foramen Magnum and Craniocervical Junction.
Ung Kyu Chang, Sang Hyung Lee, Young Seob Chung, Dong Gyu Kim, Hee Won Jung, Hyun Jib Kim, Kil Soo Choi, Dae Hee Han
Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
The authors treated 26 cases of extramedullary tumors around foramen magnum and craniocervical junction by various surgical approaches between 1982 and February 1993. They are 12 meningiomas, 9 neurinomas, 3 chordomas, 1 teratoma and 1 capillary lymphangioma. Among them, 7 cases are located at anterior portion of foramen magnum, 6 cases at anterolateral portion, 2 cases at lateral portion, 7 cases at posterolateral portion, and 4 cases are posteriorly located. These tumors were attacked via various surgical approaches. 19 cases were treated by conventional suboccipital approach, 5 cases by far lateral suboccipital approach and 2 cases of chordoma by transoral approach which was combined with far lateral suboccipital approach. So, 19 cases of tumors were removed completely, but 7 cases were subtotally removed. There was 1 case of operative mortality and in 2 cases of meningioma there was permanent lower cranial nerve palsy. Pyogenic meningitis due to CSF leakage developed in 2 cases of chordoma which were treated by transoral approach.
Key Words: Foramen magnum tumor; Surgical approach; Suboccipital approach; Far lateral suboccipital approach
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